the arTEAfar-TEAparty on a meditative MONDAY

June 20, 2011 § 2 Comments

Today is the small humble launch of my blogsite,
and a small movement called the arTEAfar-TEAparty …

technically, i am meant to be back in the UK, last weekend past, my friend Listy invited me to Somerset, for a boat party .. Pimms and the English summer, I could not wait.

However, after being back on home soil, Malaysia for a month, I found myself being exposed to “a series of unfortunate events” … which made me forego my air asia plane ticket back to Laaaanddddaaann (London), and am going to stay back in Malaysia, indefinitely till the elections.

The 10 key events that has made me make this irrational, yet extremely rational decision were:

1. feeling the need to integrate in to family life after 10 years of living away from home
2. helping my father and aunt with their political campaigns
3. NOT believing their cause at first, and wanting to find out more for myself
4. teaching a bunch of cute kids at PUSAT BANTUAN SENTUL about what art is .. and finding out myself what it meant to me !
5. sitting next to Dato’ Ibrahim Ali really randomly (head of PERKASA, pro-MALAY rights group in Malaysia)
6. speaking to people who had given up and were indifferent to the INJUSTICE in my country
7. meeting Think Lab and John-son Oei from E.P.I.C. who really inspired me to do something for Malaysia
8. going to a Malay wedding
9. going to a bloggers conference @ PWTC
10. meeting the “Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia” people who currently the top of my “most awesome people list”

So, here I am. I will be writing about my 2 passions : ART & SOCIAL CHANGE

It will be written in more of a lifestyle blog manner, as you will soon see, that art and social really is part of my life … i really cannot avoid them eeeek

so tonight, 20th June 2011 is the

“arTEAfar-TEAparty” launch,

8pm @ La Bodega Lounge, Jalan Telawi 2

the theme is “the Malaysian Family”, as it is belated father’s day.

there was too much going on yesterday, PKR conference, Bersih 2.0 launch etc to have a meaningful one with dad.

We will be looking at our countries leaders and analyzing them like they are our fathers, seeing if they have been good ones and how you would like them to act as better role models.

I have also been working on a piece of poetry, spoken-word which I will undoubtedly share which is about our country, my father and my father’s father.

peace & love,
this is SuDeChaBei

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